Market Report – 1 December 2021

Total Yarding: 17,987

Lamb numbers eased and the quality was similar with good numbers of store lambs. Trade and heavy weights were well supplied although some of the unshorn lambs were dry in the skin. Extra heavy lambs were in short supply. Most lambs now are new season lambs. There were a few more shorn lambs while old lambs are very limited. There were only a few pens of Merinos. All the usual buyers were operating in a firm to dearer market

New season store lambs were $7 to $12 dearer selling between $145 and $180/head. Trade weights to 24kg were firm to $4 dearer selling from $170 to $210/head. The 24 to 26kg lambs were making $206 to $226/head and averaging from 800c to 840c/kg cwt. Heavy lambs to 30kg made between $218 to $231 and the few extra heavies reached $243/head.

Shorn new season trades were $9 to $14 stronger, making from $190 to $213/head or 850c to 870c/kg cwt. Heavy weights made from $202 to $233/head. Extra heavy new season shorn lambs topped at $279/head. Light Merino trades sold from $105 to $145/head.

Mutton numbers increased and the quality was fair with a few more lighter weights offered with prices firm to $5/head dearer. Light to medium weight ewes sold from $114 to long skinned Merino types selling to $173/head. Heavy crossbred ewes made from $195 to $227 and Merinos from $178 to $208/head.

Photo: Cumberoona Pastoral Co, sold 61 XB Suckers with MD & JJ Anderson to a top of $279ph.

Market Report: MLA’s National Livestock Reporting Service.
