Animal Welfare
The South Eastern Livestock Exchange, staff and selling agents are committed to providing a facility that places animal welfare as its highest priority.
Extensive research into the design and functionality of the sale yards has achieved a world-class facility focused on animal safety and wellbeing, environmental sustainability and workplace health and safety.
Welfare Standards and Guidelines
SELX adheres to upholding the highest possible animal welfare standards and always aims to comply with the Australian Animal Welfare Standards and Guidelines for Livestock at Saleyards and Depots.
MLA Fit to Load Guide
SELX requires all vendors and transporters consigning or delivering livestock to SELX to comply with the industry standards as stated in the MLA Fit to Load Guide.
Livestock will not be accepted at SELX which fail to comply with the MLA Guidelines. All injured, diseased or moribund livestock will be destroyed immediately, and relevant charges applied to the vendor through their agent. Vendors should check with their preferred agent for the current schedule of fees and charges to euthanise and dispose of livestock at SELX.
The Guide clearly sets out the minimum requirements for producers and transporters when consigning livestock. It is recommended that all producers and transporters familiarise themselves with this publication.