Market Report – 10 April 2024

Prime Lamb & Sheep

Total Yarding:  16,476

There was only a slight increase in lamb numbers but the quality was plainer. There was only a limited supply of prime lambs with the bulk, secondary lambs the lacked the weight and fat cover most processors are after. There were a few good restocking and feeder order in place with shorn lambs in demand. The light lambs to 18kg were firm to $3 dearer with most of the lambs over 18kg to either processors or restockers were $2 to $5 cheaper.

Restocking lambs to 18kg cwt mostly sold from $72 to $239/head. The medium and heavy trade lambs ranged from $107 to $155/head and lambs estimated to weight between 24 and 26kg $149 to $164/head averaging 580c to 610c/kg. Heavy weights to 30kg ranged from $157 to $192/head and extra heavy lambs reached $213/head. Hoggets were firm reached $130/head.

Mutton numbers almost doubled and the quality was very mixed and contained plenty of light 1 score sheep. Prices were back $2 to $5/head across most mutton. The light ewes ranged from $28 to $51/head, medium weight Merino ewes with a long skin reached $100/head while heavy crossbred ewes sold from $89 to $108/head. Heavy Merino wethers reached $120/head. Heavier mutton averaged 280c to 320c/kg cwt.

Market Report: MLA’s National Livestock Reporting Service. Click here to download full market report.

Photo: 42 XB Lambs sold for $213ph by MD & JJ Anderson on behalf of M&C Selmes.
