Market Report – 11 April

Total Yarding: 18,379

Numbers lifted this sale though lambs remained similar. Lamb quality was very mixed with a large percentage of plainer types penned. There was less weight yarded than previous weeks and the usual buyers were present and competing in an easier market.

Light lambs sold from $112 to $118/head. Trade weight were $3 to $5 easier with prices from $120 to $138/head. Heavy lambs sold from $135 to $151 and extra heavy weights received from $150 to $174/head. Carcase prices averaged from 586c to 615c/kg cwt.

Mutton numbers showed the increase. Merinos made up the majority of the offering and quality was also very mixed. Prices were strong with Merino ewes selling from $96 to $140/head. Crossbreds sold from $105 to $146/head. Merino wethers ranged in price from $90 to $156/head.

Market Report: MLA’s National Livestock Reporting Service.

Photo: Groganville Pastoral Co topped today’s market with Elders selling 50 XB Lambs for $174.6ph.

CLICK HERE to download the SELX Market Report – Prime Lamb & Sheep – 11 April 2018.
