Market Report – 12 June 2019

Total Yarding: 14,804

Lamb numbers lifted and the quality was fair to good. There was a good run of trade lambs and only a small offering of heavy weights. Store lambs increased in numbers and there was a reasonable run of Merino lambs. The market sold to a dearer trend.

Restockers paid from $137 to $173/head. The 2 score processing lambs to 16kg were $10 dearer, making from $108 to $147/head. The medium and heavy trade lambs were $4 dearer, receiving from $146 to $189/head, averaging 830c/kg cwt. Heavy lambs were $10 stronger, making from $188 to $227/head or 850c/kg cwt on average. Extra heavy lambs topped at $320/head estimated at 44kg cwt. Merino trade lambs sold from $135 to $174 and hoggets reached $210/head.

There was an increase in mutton numbers and the quality varied throughout the sale. Merinos were best supplied and prices were $5/head cheaper. Medium weight ewes sold from $100 to $145/head. Heavy crossbreds received from $140 to $236/head. Most averaging from 560c to 600c/kg cwt.

Market Report: MLA’s National Livestock Reporting Service.

Photo: Sophie Lynch & Adam Selmes, Pejar are all smiles, topping today’s market with Jock Duncombe, Duncombe & Co selling 22 XB Lambs for $320ph.

Click here to download the full SELX Market Report – Prime Lamb & Sheep sale – 12 June 2019.
