Market Report – 14 December 2022

Prime Lamb & Sheep

Total Yarding: 16,597

Lamb number eased and most were new season lambs. There was an increase in light shorn lambs and most of these returned to the paddock. Trade weights were in reasonable numbers but heavy and extra heavy lambs limited. The market eased $2 to $3 on the store lambs and was $4 to $7 dearer on the trade and heavy weights.

New season store lambs sold from $85 to $154/head. Trade weight 20 to 24kg sold from $125 to $191/head and heavy weights $192 to $208/head averaging 780c to 800c/kg. The heavy lambs reached $220/head. Old trade lambs ranged from $132 to $161/head or 670c/kg and heavy weights reached $203/head. A lighter run of hoggets topped at $159/head easing slightly.

Mutton numbers lifted and quality remains mixed. Prices held firm to $10 cheaper. Medium weight ewes sold from $63 to $114/head. Heavy crossbred ewes sold to $130 and long skinned Merinos $129/head. First sale of 2023 is on the 4th January.

Market Report: MLA’s National Livestock Reporting Service. Click here to download full market report.
