Market Report – 16 February 2022

Total Yarding: 7942

Lamb numbers eased and the quality was fair to good. There were still lines and unshorn light lambs suitable for restocking and runs of shorn trade and heavy weights. Extra heavy lambs were very limited. Not all the usual buyers were operating and the market eased $10 to $15 on the light and trade lambs and $5 to $10 on the heavy weights.

Restocking lambs sold from $134 to $170/head. Trade weights top 24kg cwt ranged from $158 to $194/head and averaged 750c to 760c/kg cwt. Heavy lambs to 30kg sold from $170 to $215/head or 735c to 750c/kg cwt, extra heavy lambs reached $27/head. Best prices hogget reached $196/head.

Mutton numbers declined and the quality was mixed. Prices fell $20 to $25/head with some of the usual buyers not operating. Medium weights ewes sold from $90 to $148/head and heavy crossbred ewes reached $196 and medium and heavy Merino ewes $145 to $195/head. First cross ewe hoggets reached $286/head to restocking orders.

Photo: Flannery Farm Trust sold 50 XB Lambs with Elders for $227ph.

Market Report: MLA’s National Livestock Reporting Service. CLICK HERE to download the full market report.
