Market Report – 18 March 2021

Total Yarding: 390

Numbers fell and the quality was good with a big run of heavy cows and feeder steers and heifers. Light cattle were in very short supply as were grown steers and bullocks. Not all the usual buyers operated with low numbers a factor. Price trends eased 15c across most categories, with some of the heavier weights falling 20c/kg.

Calves sold to 705c and weaner steers ranged from 490c to 512c/kg. Medium weight feeder steers sold between 440c and 460c and heavy weights 374c to 435c/kg. Medium weight feeder heifers went against the trend holding firm ranging from 410c to 450c/kg. Heavy weights continued the cheaper trend, selling from 355c to 427c/kg. The few heavy trade cattle sold from 376c to 385c/kg.

Gown steers reached 375c and heavy heifers 320c to 335c/kg. Lean restocking cows sold to 300c/kg and heavy 3 and 4 score cows to processors made from 285c to 310c/kg.

Market Report: MLA’s National Livestock Reporting Service.

Photo: Molonglo Cattle Group sold 7 Angus x Cows with Michael Hall Livestock & Property for 308c/kg, av 798.6kg, $2459.6ph.

Click here to download the full SELX Market Report – Prime Cattle – 18 March 2021.
