Market Report – 18 October

Total Yarding: 817

Numbers eased and the quality was a little plainer in the young cattle. Yearlings made up the bulk of the offering and there were a few light weight weaners. Feeders competed strong on heifers and two tooth grown heifers. Around 200 mixed quality cows were offered in a dearer market.

Weaner steers sold to 253c, while most heifers made from 160c to 223c, with a sale to restockers reaching 252c/kg. Feeder steers were 15c cheaper, quality being the issue, making from 250c to 266c, while restockers paid from 255c to 288c/kg for the same weight cattle. Heifers to feed were 10c dearer on the medium weights making from 220c to 262c/kg.

The few heavy bullocks reached 285c/kg. Two tooth heifers to feed sold from 220c to 252c and heavy weights to process made from 220c to 258c/kg. Cows were the big improvers, lifting 20c to 25c/kg on most of the medium and heavy weights. The 2 score medium weights made from 178c to 220c/kg. Heavy 3 and 4 scores sold from 217c to 253c, averaging 243c/kg.

Market Report: MLA’s National Livestock Reporting Service.

Photo: Delta Agribusiness sold 14 Angus x Steers on behalf of Coots Creek Angus, Yass for 288.2c/kg, av 370kg, $1066.34ph.

Click here to download the full SELX Market Report – Prime Cattle sale – 18 October 2018.
