Market Report – 22 November 2023

Prime Lamb & Sheep

Total Yarding: 16,674

Lamb numbers eased and included around 7000 new season lambs. The quality was back with plenty of store and light trade lambs. Prime trades were limited and there was a very short supply of heavy new season lambs. Old lambs were more trade weights to heavy lambs. There also were plenty of hoggets. The market sold to stronger trends with demand from a larger buying group.

New season store lambs were $7 to $8 stronger selling from $38 to $86/head. Trade lambs were $12 to $13 stronger with heavy trades selling from $102 to $113 and the 24 to 26kg lambs $110 to $122/head averaging 450c to 470c/kg. Heavy lambs reached $138/head or around 500c/kg cwt.

Old light trades were $6 dearer selling from $26 to $54/head. Medium and heavy trades were $7 better and reached $86/head and heavy weights sold from $94 to $138/head and the best hoggets reached $83/head.

Mutton numbers were also back but prices lifted around $8 to $11/head across a large cross section. Heavy Merino ewes sold from $34 to $56 and crossbred ewes reached $73/head. Merino wethers reached $58/head to return to the paddock.

Market Report: MLA’s National Livestock Reporting Service. Click here to download full market report.

Photo: 476 Merino Wethers sold to a top of $58ph by Mark Joliffe, Kevin Miller Whitty Lennon & Co on behalf of R&K Hinds.
