Market Report – 24 June 2021

Total Yarding: 425

Numbers remained steady and the quality was good. There was a good run of heavy yearlings and a few lighter weaner heifers with most going to a feeder order. Grown steers and bullocks were in short supply and most of the cows were heavy weights. The market sold to a dearer trend.

Weaner steers to restocker orders made from 485c to 555c with the heifers making from 410c to 550c/kg. The run of weaner heifers to feed sold from 485c to 535c/kg. Yearling steers to feed lifted 20c with medium weights making from 450c to 530c and heavy steers making from 413c to 500c/kg. Feeder heifers were 25c stronger with an extra order operating. Medium weights reached 500c and heavy heifers made from 438c to 500c/kg. Heavy trade steers lifted 25c and sold from 475c to 500c/kg.

Grown steers and bullocks were 20c dearer returning from 370c to 442c and the best of the heavy heifers reached a top of 428c/kg. Cows were 3c to 6c dearer with some of the leaner heavy weights up 10c/kg. Medium weight cows sold from 275c to 325c and the heavy score 3 and 4 cows made from 305c to 325c/kg.

Market Report: MLA’s National Livestock Reporting Service.

Addition: A small run of Store Cattle were sold at the conclusion of the Prime Sale, with Cows & Calves topping at $2920pu, Steers $1780ph & Heifers $1490ph.

Photo: V Lees sold 6 Hereford Steers with Nutrien Livestock for 410c/kg, av 703.3kg, $2883.67ph.

Click here to download the full SELX Market Report – Prime & Store Cattle – 24 June 2021.
