Total Yarding: 375
Cow and calf units were best supplied and there were a good numbers of yearling steers along with some larger runs of yearling heifers. A small, but competitive group of buyers were present.
Yearling steers sold to a top of $1,080/head for lighter Angus steers. Most of the steers sold from $840 to $1,000/head. Medium weight Angus heifers also topped at $1,100 and heavy Limousin heifers reached $1,080/head.
Cow and calf units reached $1,850/unit for heavy 5-7 year old Angus cows with an Angus calf at foot. A run of Hereford cows with their first calf at foot sold from $1,650 to $1,700/unit.
Market Report: MLA’s National Livestock Reporting Service.
CLICK HERE to download the SELX Market Report – Store Cattle – 24 November 2017.
Photo: Butt Livestock & Property selling 5-7 yr old Angus x Cows & Calves on behalf of A&S Caudle, Mugga ACT to a market top of $1850ph.