Market Report – 25 July

Total Yarding: 15,748

Lamb numbers increased with a rise in Merino lambs. Quality was mixed with plenty of light weights. Trade and heavy lambs were limited and there were only a few pens of extra heavy lambs. A few pens of new season lambs have started to enter the market. Not all of the buyers operated in a cheaper market.

New season trade lambs sold to $136/head.

The 2 score processing old lambs were $15 cheaper and sold from $96 to $116/head. Medium and heavy trade weights were $5 cheaper, and made from $138 to $170/head. Heavy lambs eased $6 and sold from $180 to $210 with extra heavy lambs reaching $240/head, most averaged 720c to 760c/kg cwt. Merino trades sold from $123 to $144 and heavier weights reached $190/head averaging 630c to 650c/kg cwt.

Mutton numbers increased and the quality was mixed. Light sheep were back $20 and heavy crossbreds declined up to $40/head. Medium weight ewes sold from $84 to $123/head. Heavy crossbreds made from $130 to $168/head, most averaged 430c to 460c/kg cwt.

Market Report: MLA’s National Livestock Reporting Service.

Photo: The Weir family ‘Pinewalla Poll Dorset Stud’, Crookwell topped today’s market with Jock, Duncombe & Co selling 24 XB Lambs for $240ph.

Click here to download the full SELX Market Report – Prime Sheep & Lamb Sale – 18 July 2018.
