Market Report – 25 September 2024

Prime Lamb & Sheep

Total Yarding: 9564 (-641)

Numbers were similar and there were around 850 new season lambs penned. The quality was again plain with a good number of trade lambs but the majority were long skinned and looking dry and were discounted by buyer. New season lambs were mostly trades then store lambs and there was a big line of very light and young Merinos. The few prime lambs were mostly heavy weights and there were a few extra heavy lambs.

New season store lambs sold from $80 to $128/head and the trades which were firm to $3 dearer sold from $150 to $188/head. The large run of Merinos sold from $28 to $46/head.

Old trade lambs were $5 cheaper on average and ranged from $126 to $185/head. heavy weights ranged from $180 to $204/head. Extra heavy lambs were firm to $5 dearer and reached $226/head. Hoggets jumped $15 to $20/head reaching $158/head.

Mutton numbers eased and the light and medium weights lifted $10 to $15 while the heavy weights were $5 to $10/head cheaper. Medium weight ewes sold from $55 to $98/head and heavy crossbreds reached $120/head. Best priced Merino sold to $110/head and most sold in the range of 260c to 320c/kg cwt.

Report by Graeme Richard, MLA’s National Livestock Reporting Service.

Photo: 50 XB Suckers sold for $181.2ph by AgStock on behalf of Sheahan Pastoral Co.

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