Market Report – 26 May

Around 780 weaners were penned and most of these were medium and heavy weights. Light weaners were in short supply. There was only a small offering of yearlings along with a good run of PTIC cows which included a full herd dispersal and a few cow calf units.

The market trend was back a little with smaller lots penned and a smaller buying group than the previous sale which was a feature weaner sale. Light weaner steers ranged from $570 to $825/head. Medium weights $815 to $1,110 and heavy weaners topped at $1,380/head. Most averaged 380c to 410c/kg on the medium and heavy weaners. Medium weight weaner heifers were best supplied and sold between $600 and $860 and the heavier weights reached $1,000/head to average 320c to 335c/kg.

PTIC heifers reached $1,400 and cows sold to $1,960/head. PTIC heifers with calf at foot ranged from $2,000 to $2,170 and a run of dry cows with the opportunity to a bull from $1,250 to $1,380/head.

Market Report: MLA’s National Livestock Reporting Service.

CLICK HERE to download the SELX Market Report – Store Cattle sale – 26 May 2017.

Photo: Ray White Rural Binalong topped today’s sale with PTIC Angus x Heifers, with calves at foot, to a top of $2170 on behalf of P. Bell.
