Market Report – 27 August 2020

Total Yarding: 347

Cattle numbers improved but the quality was mixed with some very good and heavy yearlings going to feed and to process. Weaners were limited with the monthly store sale tomorrow. There was a very good line of yearling heifers that went to feed. No prime grown steers and a mixed run of grown heifers. Only 25 cows were penned. Trade cattle and heavy feeders were 15c to 20c/kg dearer. Light cows were pushed by a restocking order and lifted 10c and heavy cows lost 11c/kg with limited competition on the small numbers.

Weaner steers sold to 458c and heifers 451c/kg. Feeder steers ranged from 380c to 410c/kg for the medium and heavy weights. Restockers paid from 378c to 413c for the same weight and the trade paid to 425c/kg. Heifers going to feed ranged from 340c to the large draft that reached 396c and trade heifers reached 410c/kg.

Grown steers to feed ranged from 340c to 400c/kg a slightly stronger trend. Two tooth heifers made 376c to process. Medium weight cows, 2 and 3 scores ranged from 270c to 285c/kg. Heavy 3 and 4 score cows made from 268c to 290c to average 286c/kg.

Market Report: MLA’s National Livestock Reporting Service.

Photo: Greg & Bailey Anderson, MD & JJ Anderson sold a total of 72 Angus x Heifers on behalf of Wendy Miller ‘Red Ground’, Wheeo with the heaviest pen weighing an av. 463.1kg, $1833.78ph.

Click here to download the full SELX Market Report – Prime Cattle sale – 27 August 2020.
