Special 1st X Ewe Sale
Total Yarding: 13,438
12,902 ewes sold to a top of $182 ph with an average of $116.16, while 536 lambs sold to a top price of $72, averaging $44.94 per head.
Bailey Anderson, MD and JJ Anderson, Crookwell quoted the market was ‘better than expected’,
“There was some good competition on the ewes which were in very good condition but it did drop off for the lighter conditioned sheep. It was a bit tougher for the lambs who were fresh but just a bit underdone.” he said.
Successful buyers attended from Wagga Wagga, Rugby, Goulburn, Blayney, Crookwell and Yass.
Market Report: Stephen Burns, The Land. Click here to download full market report.
Photo: 165 1st X Ewes sold for $182ph by Duncombe & Co on behalf of Tolldale, Gunning.