Market Report – 29 July 2021

Total Yarding: 311

Numbers dropped as wet conditions hamper supply and the quality was plainer. Weaners and vealers were limited and yearlings were best supplied with feeders again the driving force. There were several pens of very good grown steers and bullocks and only limited numbers of grown heifers and cows. With the smaller yarding some buyers didn’t operate fully.

Weaner steers returning to the paddock sold from 563c to 571c and the heifers reached 569c/kg. Medium weight feeder steers sold from 510c to 520c for the better shapes and heavy feeders were close to firm on quality, making from 440c to 520c/kg. Feeder heifers were dearer with the medium weights ranging from 546c to 568c and heavy weights made from 449c to 534c/kg.

Grown steers and bullocks were 10c to 15c stronger, making from 360c to 453c and the few grown heifers to process ranged from 400c to 405c/kg. With only 17 cows offered, the price range was tight and ranged from 290c to 335c/kg.

Market Report: MLA’s National Livestock Reporting Service.

Photo:8 Angus X Steers sold by W. Walsh, Taralga, through Michael Hall Livestock for 440c/kg, ave 730kg, $3212ph.

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