Total Yarding: 498
Numbers lifted and the quality was mixed. Weaners and vealers were limited and there was an outstanding run of heavy feeder steers. Heifers were limited over all categories. Grown steers were very mixed in weight age and breed and so were most of the grown heifers. Cow numbers improved and nearly 100 were penned. Mixed price trends through the sale with restocking cattle cheaper, feeder and grown cattle firm and cows dearer.
Weaner steers sold from 550c to 662c and heifers 520c to 526c/kg. Feeder steers were firm with a limited supply of medium weights selling to 585c, heavy steers sold from 480c to 589c/kg depending on weight and breed. A limited supply of heifers to feed 460c to 532c were back 14c/kg on average. Medium weight trade steers and heifers sold from 485c to 530c/kg.
Grown steers were firm on the steers to process 400c to 480c and heifers sold mainly between 445c and 480c with a single 2 tooth reaching 540c/kg. Cows were the movers gaining 15c to 20c/kg with an improvement in numbers. Medium weight cows 368c to 385c and heavy 3 and 4 score cows 380c to 403c/kg.
Photo: Tim, Bailey & Greg, MD & JJ Anderson, sold 25 Angus Feeder Steers on behalf of J&P Cubis, Narrawa. This pen fetching 660.2c/kg, ave 303.2kg, $2002ph.
Market Report: MLA’s National Livestock Reporting Service. CLICK HERE to download full report.