Market Report – 31 August 2017

Total Yarding: 454

Cattle numbers improved but quality slipped in the young cattle run which was reflected in the prices. There were a few prime cattle which went to butcher orders but most were purchased by Restockers or feeder orders. Grown steers were limited and the quality improved and there was a plainer run of grown heifers. Cows numbers were low but heavy cows sold to similar values and there was a small run of PTIC cows which sold to Restockers.

Restocking weaner steers sold to similar prices reaching 349c/kg. Young steers to the trade were firm selling from 270c to 310c/kg. Heifers eased 11c ranging between 250c and 297c/kg most was quality related. Feeder steers were plainer in quality and averaged 290c/kg.

Prime grown cattle lost 10c to 11c with steers selling from 255c to 270c and the better shaper grown heifers 230c to 260c/kg. PTIC cows to Restockers ranged from 216c to 229c/kg. Prime heavy weights to processors ranged from 210c to 230c/kg. Best heavy bull reached 255c/kg.

Market Report: MLA’s National Livestock Reporting Service.

CLICK HERE to download the SELX Market Report – Prime Cattle sale – 31 August 2017.

Photo: Michael Hall Livestock sold Angus & Hereford X Steers to a top of 241.6c/kg, averaging 700kg, $1691.2ph on behalf of D & K Corsie.
