Market Report – 31 March 2022

Total Yarding: 857

Numbers continue to rise and the quality was fair to good. There was an extra feeder order operating which forced the price up on some lines of cattle. Yearlings were well supplied and the was a few light and medium weight weaners. Trade cattle were in limited numbers and there was a larger run of two tooth steers and heifers, most going to feed.

Around 140 cows were penned. The market sold to dearer trends. The few medium weight weaner steers sold from 663c to 740c with light weights reaching 875c/kg. Weaner heifers ranged from 620c to 805c/kg. Feeder steers were stronger with medium weights reaching 650c/kg and heavy feeders averaged 580c/kg. Medium weight heifers to feed on were 40c stronger 420c to 572c and heavy weights 488c to 555c/kg. Heavy trade steers ranged from 510c to 564c/kg.

Grown steers to feed were firm 460c to 480c and heifers 380c to 499c/kg. Lean medium weight cows were dearer 335c to 370c and the prime heavy weights went against to trend easing 7c with the heavy 4 score cows 360c to 385c/kg.

Photo: 14 Angus Steers sold for 591.2c/kg, ave 470.4kg, $2781ph by Duncombe & Co on behalf of Fullerton Station Cattle Co.

Market Report: MLA’s National Livestock Reporting Service. CLICK HERE to download full market report.
