Market Report – 31 May

Total Yarding: 1,811

There was only a small decrease in numbers and the quality of the young cattle eased but competition was still strong on the young lighter cattle. Feeders purchased most of the better cattle and there were very few which suited the trade buyers. Grown steers were better supplied and around 740 plainer cows were penned.

Weaners to restock sold 30c dearer with extra competition on lighter weights and steers sold from 200c to 263c and heifers 160c to 230c/kg. Feeder steers lifted 14c on the medium weights and the top end of the heavy feeders and sold from 245c to 306c/kg. Heifers were close to firm with bred a bigger factor than normal selling from 200c to 280c/kg. The few trade cattle reached 265c/kg.

Grown steers reached 265c to process and 272c/kg to feed on. Cows were back 11c to 15c/kg with only the best of the high yielding cows holding firm. Medium weight 2 score cows sold from 90c to 171c and the heavy 3 and 4 score cows 157c to 212c/kg. Prime heavy weights averaged 200c/kg.

Market Report: MLA’s National Livestock Reporting Service.

Photo: Landmark sold a total of 51 Angus x Steers on behalf of RJ Holden to a top of 306c/kg, av 473.5kg, $1448.91ph.

CLICK HERE to download the full SELX Market Report – Prime Cattle sale – 24 May 2018.
