Market Report – 4 November 2021

Total Yarding: 615

Cattle numbers eased and the quality was fair to good. There were more light cattle and good runs of medium and heavy feeder steers and heifers. There were very limited numbers of trade steers and grown cattle. Around 90 most heavy cows were penned and the market trend was cheaper with the exception of the light weaners to restock and the heavy feeder steers.

Weaner steers sold from 680c to 780c and heifers 550c to 700c/kg. Medium weight feeders were 40c cheaper with less competition from restockers and sold from 510c to 600c while heavy weights were dearer 511c to 594c/kg. Feeder heifers eased 3c selling between 460c and 547c/kg. The few trade heifers also showed gains of 10c to 15c ranging from 510c to 560c/kg.

There were too few grown steers to quote but prices ranged from 390c to 441c while grown heifers were 16c to 18c softer the 3 and 4 score cows were 16c to 18c cheaper with heavy weights 344c to 385c/kg.

Photo: J&K Griggs, Braidwood sold 7 Hereford Steers for 780.2c/kg, ave 288.6kg, $2251ph with Holman Tolmie.

Market Report: MLA’s National Livestock Reporting Service. CLICK HERE to download full market report.
