Total Yarding: 16,305
Lamb numbers lifted and the quality was mixed with light store lambs in good numbers while prime trade weight were limited. Heavy lambs were in short supply. All the usual buyers were operating in a stronger market.
Restocking store lambs were $19 dearer selling from $94 to $162/head. The lambs were firm to $2 dearer with the medium and heavy trade lambs making from $152 to $188 and the 22kg to 24kg lambs selling from $178 to $200/head or 780c to 820c/kg cwt. Heavy lambs made from $200 to $234/head. The best of the Merinos reached $196/head. Hoggets reached $200/head
Mutton numbers lifted and the quality was also plainer with a lot more light 1 and 2 score sheep offered. The market lifted $15 to $20/head across most grades. Light sheep sold from $76 to $135/head. Medium weights sold from $112 to $167/head. Heavy crossbred ewes made from $164 to $240 and Merino ewes reached $231/head. Heavy and long skinned Merino wethers topped at $264/head.
Market Report: MLA’s National Livestock Reporting Service.
Photo: Richard Flannery (right) “Karlee” Boorowa with Harley Wall and Bill Frew, Delta Agribusiness who sold 49 Merino Wethers to a sale top of $264.2ph.
Click here to download the full SELX Market Report – Prime Sheep and Lamb sale – 5 February 2020.