Market Report – 6 January 2022

Total Yarding: 182

Only a small penning of very mixed quality cattle was offered. Yearling steers were best represented and there were a few small lots of weaners and a token offering of cows. Not all the usual buyers were operating and there were very few purchased by the trade with most going to feed or restocking orders. Prices were back with quality and breed two of the main contributors.
Weaner steers to restockers sold from 600c to 845c and heifers 560c to 680c/kg. Medium weight feeder steers mostly sold between 472c and 542c with restockers paying to 600c/kg. Heavy feeder steers reached 578c/kg. Only a few heifers were offered and prices ranged from 420c to 487c/kg.

Two tooth PTIC heifers to restock 401c to 448c and the few cows sold between 320c and 360c/kg.

Photo: K&J Brown, Carrawang, sold 6 Angus Steers with Ray White for 604.2c/kg, ave 364.2kg, $2200ph.

Market Report: MLA’s National Livestock Reporting Service. CLICK HERE to download the full market report.
