Market Report – 7 September

Yarding: 488

Numbers lifted slightly and the quality improved with several large drafts of medium weight feeder steers. Vealer numbers were limited and weaner quality was back. Trade steers were in short supply but heifers to the trade were showing good finish coming off crop. Prime grown steers were limited. Only 41 cows were offered in a mixed trend market.

Restocking weaners steers were cheaper, selling from 270c to 320c/kg due to plainer quality. Heifers to restockers reached 286c/kg. Vealers to the trade sold from 290c to 296c/kg. Feeder steers lifted 20c on the larger drafts and sold from 286c to 321c/kg. Trade heifers eased 15c with weaker competition and prices ranged from 278c to 282c/kg.

The limited supply of grown steers sold from 275c to 278c and heavy bullocks from 240c to 271c/kg. Grown heifers ranged from 220c to 258c/kg. Cows were 2c to 4c cheaper with the 2 score medium weights making 191c to 200c/kg. Heavy 3 and 4 score cows sold from 212c to 230c with the prime heavy weights averaging 225c/kg.

Market Report: MLA’s National Livestock Reporting Service.

CLICK HERE to download the SELX Market Report – Prime Cattle sale – 7 September 2017.

Photo: 25 Angus steers sold by Agstock to a top of 304.2c/kg, averaging 440.6kg, $1340.31ph, on behalf of F Hosking.
