Market Report – 8 October 2020

Total Yarding: 337

Cattle numbers lifted and the quality improved. There were several good lines of yearlings in forward condition. Grown steers were limited and there were fewer grown heifers. Around 80 cows were offered and competition between feeders and processors were strong resulting in a dearer market.

Medium weight yearling steers sold 20c dearer in a better quality offering with both processors and feeders paying between 395c and 421c/kg. Heavy trade steers lifted 10c ranging from 400c to 410c and feeders paid 391c to 418c/kg. Medium weight feeder heifers also lifted 10c selling from 396c to 403c and heavy weights 372c to 388c/kg. Prime grown steers were firm 365c to 370c/kg. Heavy grown heifers lifted 6c on the younger heifers and some of the older 6 tooth heifers showed gains of 30c to 40c/kg and ranged from 335c to 375c/kg.

The small run of leaner cows lifted 30c selling from 286c to 320c and the heavy 4 score cows gained 13c ranging from 284c to 315c/kg.

Market Report: MLA’s National Livestock Reporting Service.

Photo: Goldenholm Grazing, Yass River sold 2 Speckle Park Steers with AgStock for 410c/kg, av 502.5kg, $2060.25ph.

Click here to download the full SELX Market Report – Prime Cattle sale – 8 October 2020.
