Market Report – 9 July 2020

Total Yarding: 774

Numbers lifted and the quality was good and there were all weights and grades offered. Light weaner to restockers attracted a lot of attention. Medium weight feeders sold to weaker competition but heavy steers were dearer. Grown steers were limited and nearly 200 cows were penned. Not all the usual buyers were operating in a market that was cheaper with the exception of the heavy feeder steers.

Weaner steers to restock sold from 420c to 486c/kg. Weaner heifers were 13c softer 374c to 381c with light weights reaching 456c/kg. Medium weight feeder steers eased 20c selling from 360c to 400c and restocking steers at the same weight 375c to 430c/kg. Heavy feeders were 13c stronger selling from 395c to 425c/kg. Feeder heifers eased 13c, making from 330c to 368c/kg. Heavy trade yearling steers eased 3c selling from 380c to 400c/kg.

Heavy bullocks reached 355c and grown heifers averaged between 320c and 340c after reaching 380c/kg for 2 tooth heifers. Medium weight 2 score cows were firm to 1c cheaper on average, making from 264c to 278c/kg. Heavy 3 and 4 score cows were 12c to 13c cheaper selling from 278c to 305c/kg.

Market Report: MLA’s National Livestock Reporting Service.

Photo: C Barnes, Yass sold 7 Angus Steers with AgStock for 442.2c/kg, av 297.9kg, $1317.12ph.

Click here to download the full SELX Market Report – Prime Cattle sale – 9 July 2020.
