Market Report – 18 February 2021

Total Yarding: 488

Cattle numbers were similar and the quality was good. Yearlings made up the bulk with only a limited supply of grown cattle and 81 mainly heavy cows. There were a couple of pens of weaners which sold to restocking interests. Trade cattle were limited with feeders and restockers buying most of the young cattle. Prices were firm across most young cattle but some of the crossbred steers and heifers were slightly cheaper due to the absences of a feeder order. There was a larger restocking gallery.

Weaner steers sold to 565c and heifers made to 482c/kg. Medium weight feeder steers averaged 460c and heavy weights sold from 390c to 454c/kg. Feeder heifers were firm and medium weights sold from 409c to 457c with the heavy weights making from 380c to 430c/kg. The few trade cattle reached 447c/kg. Grown steers lifted 8c and heavy bullocks 5c and sold from 348c to 388c/kg.

Cows were fully firm with most making from 285c to 305c/kg.

Market Report: MLA’s National Livestock Reporting Service.

Photo: Peter Callan ‘Petcalinda P/L’, Braidwood sold 9 Angus x Steers with Jim Hindmarsh & Son for 565.2c/kg, av 308.3kg, $1742.7ph.

Click here to download the full SELX Market Report – Prime Cattle – 18 February 2021.
