Market Report – 24 February 2022

Total Yarding: 756

Numbers eased and the quality was fair to good and again weight was a feature in the young cattle. There were a few weaners and good numbers of heavy feeder yearlings. Grown steers and heifers were in very short supply and around 150 cows were offered and most were prime heavy weights. There were some breed related price differences but overall the market eased 20c to 25c on the young cattle and the heavy cows were 4c to 5c cheaper.

The small run of weaner steers sold from 600c to 791c and heifers reached 649c/kg. Medium weight feeder steers sold from 510c to 580c and heavy weights 480c to 560c/kg. Heifers to feed ranged from 470c to 540c/kg. Heavy trade steers 490c to 510c and heifers reached 514c/kg.

The few grown steers and heifers to the trade sold between 370c and 390c/kg. Medium weight cows ranged from 280c to 330c/kg and the prime heavy weights 326c to 365c/kg. There was a run of PTIC cows which sold open auction and ranged from $2950 to $3400/head and their calves $1520 to $1930/head.

Photo: Michael Hall Livestock sold 6 Hereford Steers on behalf of S Poidevin, Goulburn for 490c/kg, ave 540kg, $2646ph.

Market Report: MLA’s National Livestock Reporting Service. CLICK HERE to download full market report.
