Market Report – 5 January 2023

Prime Cattle

Total Yarding: 138

The first sale of 23 offered a mixed line up of cattle there were 40 weaners and close to 50 cows and grown heifers, a few yearling bulls and a small offering of yearling steers and heifers which were mostly light and medium weights. Not all the usual buyers were operating and the mixed run of cattle contributed to a softer market.

Weaner steers back to the paddock sold from 500c to 540c and the heifers 380c to 479c/kg. The few yearling steers to process upto 400kg sold from 440c to 480c and the heifers at similar weights 342c to 420c/kg.

Light 2 tooth grown heifers to feed reached 380c and heavy grown heifers to process sold from 328c to 340c/kg. cows were considerably cheaper with most of the medium weights 200c to 245c and heavy weight 4 and 5 score cows 240c to 290c/kg for a larger run of Angus cows.

Market Report: MLA’s National Livestock Reporting Service. Click here to download the full market report.

Photo: 11 Angus Heifers sold for 479.2c/kg, ave 337.3kg, $1616ph by Nutrien Livestock on behalf of T&F Lobb, Laggan.
