Market Report – 15 March 2023

Prime Lamb & Sheep

Total Yarding: 10,634

Lamb numbers fell and the quality remains mixed. The fall in numbers were mostly light 1 score restocking lambs. There were good numbers of trade weights but plenty were lacking the desired cover. Heavy lambs were limited. There also were several good runs of heavy hoggets. The market sold slightly stronger on the better end of the trade and heavy lambs while secondary lambs and stores were cheaper.

Restockers paid from $5 for very light Merino lambs to crossbreds reaching $91/head. Trade weights 20 to 22kg sold from $134 for the secondary lambs to well finished lambs reaching $162/head. Secondary lambs averaged between 600c and 650c and the prime lambs averaged 740c/kg. The 22 to 24kg lambs sold from $164 to $176/head and the 24 to 26kg lambs $176 to $194 averaging 730c/kg cwt. Heavy weights sold from $181 to $203/head. Heavy hoggets ranged from $106 to $140/head.

Mutton numbers eased and the quality was again only fair. Light and medium weight ewes were best supplied and heavy weights were limited. Prices were $7 to $8 cheaper. Medium weight ewes $40 to $76/head and heavy crossbred ewes $86 to $154/head and long skinned Merinos reached $126/head.

Market Report: MLA’s National Livestock Reporting Service. Click here to download full market report.

Photo: 19 XB Ewes sold for $154ph by Nutrien Livestock on behalf of B & R Adams & Sons.
