Market Report – 17 March 2023

Special Weaner Sale

Total Yarding: 2,852

Just under 3000 weaners were offered and the quality was good. There were some larger drafts of cattle over 300kg and the medium weights were well supplied and generally in smaller lots. Light weights under 200kg were very limited. Angus and Angus cross cattle dominated the sale. The market sold to a dearer trend than most excepted but was considerably cheaper than the corresponding sale last year.

Weaner steers under 200kg sold from $870 to $1060/head selling upto 612c/kg live weight. Medium weights upto 280kg in weight ranged from $1070 to $1405 with the heavy weights reaching $1425/head. Most ranged between 400c and 450c/kg. Light Murray Grey heifers reached $785/head. Medium weight Angus heifers $660 to $1265/head most ranged from 350c to 400c/kg live weight with the best out to 460c/kg. Most of the heavy weights 300kg and heavier $1060 to $1200/head.

Market Report: MLA’s National Livestock Reporting Service. Click here to download full market report.

Photo: BEST PRESENTED STEERS – Patricia Stevenson, Goulburn (on behalf of J&P Stevenson) sold 14 Angus Steers (366.8kg) for $1480ph with Michael Hall Livestock.
