Market Report – 12 April 2023

Prime Lamb & Sheep

Total Yarding: 12,158

Lamb numbers lifted and the quality was mostly plain with on a few pens of prime lambs. Stores and secondary trade lambs made up the bulk of the offering and the best lambs were heavy weights. The better lambs were firm and the secondary trades back $3 to $4/head.

Second cross shorn store lambs sold to $137/head. Trade lambs 20 to 22kg cwt sold from $138 to $172/head and the 22 to 24kg lambs $151 to $188/head. The best run of lambs 24 to 26kg sold from $182 to $188 and heavy weights reached $212/head. most of the prime trade and heavy weights averaged between 720c and 760c/kg cwt. A small pen of extra heavy lambs sold to $221/head. Heavy hoggets sold from $130 to $158/head remaining firm.

Mutton numbers lifted and the quality was plainer but prices were $2 to $5 dearer. Medium weight ewes sold from $74 to $115 and heavy crossbred ewes $110 to $138/head. Merinos reached $137/head.

Market Report: MLA’s National Livestock Reporting Service. Click here to download full market report.

Photo: 12 XB Lambs sold for $221.2ph by Jim Hindmarsh & Son on behalf of N Tetley, Braidwood.
