Market Report – 26 April 2023

Prime Lamb & Sheep

Total Yarding: 9647

Lamb numbers eased and the quality still remains mostly plain and light. There were a few pens of good trade and heavy weights but numbers were limited. There were no extra heavy lambs. Trade weight lambs were $12 to $15 cheaper and heavy weights slipped $5/head.

Restocking lambs were $5 to $6 cheaper and sold upto $131/head for trade weighted lambs. The 2 score processing lambs to 20kg cwt sold from $98 to $125/head averaging around 600c/kg cwt. The prime trades 22 to 24kg sold from$158 to $169 and the 24 to 26kg lambs $163 to $180/head, heavy weights to 30kg $180 to $207/head. The better lambs were averaging 680c to 700c/kg on limited numbers. Heavy hoggets sold from $129 to $160/head.

Mutton numbers eased and prices lifted $13 to $14/head on the light and medium weights and with the exception of the extra heavy mutton, heavy weights lifted $10/head. Medium weight ewes $75 to $128 and heavy crossbreds $132 to $146/head. Best of the Merino were long skinned medium weights which reached $128/head.

Market Report: MLA’s National Livestock Reporting Service. Click here to download full market report.

Photo: 47 Merino Ewe Hoggets sold for $161.2ph by Nutrien Livestock on behalf of P&K Chapple, Gunning.
