Market Report – 22 June 2023

Prime Cattle

Total Yarding: 522

Numbers lifted and the quality varied. There were several good drafts of feeder steers and a few pens of very good trade cattle, the secondary cattle were plainer. There was an extra southern restocker operating on light grown heifers and cows. The market sold to a firm to dearer trend on the better cattle while an ordinary run of secondary cattle were cheaper.

Light weaner steers sold to 338c and heifers sold from 233c to 260c/kg. Feeder steers lifted 35c on a much better breed and consistence run and sold to 368c and heifers lifted 14c selling from 228c to 300c/kg. The few trade cattle were firm selling from 250c to 300c/kg.

A plainer line up of grown steers reached 275c and the best of the heavy grown heifers reached 280c/kg. Most of the 2 score cows lifted 30c with the aid of the restocking orders and sold from 130c to 190c/kg while the heavy 3 and 4 score cows to process were firm to 5c stronger ranging from 168c to 210c/kg.

Market Report: MLA’s National Livestock Reporting Service. Click here to download full market report.

Photo: 18 Angus Steers sold for 364.2c/kg, ave 478.6kg, $1743ph by Elders on behalf of M Freeman & J McKee.
