Market Report – 20 July 2023

Prime Cattle

Total Yarding:  436

Number lifted for a mostly plain offering of cattle. There were very few suitable for the processors with the majority going to feed and restocking orders. A highlight of the sale was a run of Angus steers which went to feed. Grown cattle were also lacking condition and 36 fair to plain conditioned cows were offered. The market sold to cheaper trends.

The few weaner steers reached 342c and heifers 230c/kg. The better end of the feeder steers sold from 350c to 374c and secondary feeders 160c to 300c/kg. Feeder heifers sold from 180c to 271c/kg. A limited supply of trade cattle reached 308c/kg for heavy Limo heifers.

The best for grown heifers reached 260c but the bulk sold from 150c to 185c/kg, most were in 1 and 2 score condition. Cows were 30c cheaper with the 2 score cows 141c to 165c and heavy weight cows 182c to 185c/kg.

Market Report: MLA’s National Livestock Reporting Service. Click here to download full market report.

Photo: 5 Limousin Heifers sold for 300c/kg, ave 419kg, $1257ph by AgStock on behalf of T Starr, Bowning.
