Market Report – 18 October 2023

Prime Lamb & Sheep

Total Yarding: 12,767

Lamb numbers were steady and there were around 3900 new season lambs offered. The quality of the new season lambs was good with plenty fresh and falling into the trade and heavy weight categories. There were a few store but numbers were well back. There was a better run of shorn old trade and heavy weights and a few extra heavy lambs. Longer skins were still slightly discounted. The market sold to a stronger trend.

New season store lambs sold from $17 to $68/head. Trade weights lifted $6 selling from $83 to $120/head. The better supplied 22 to 24kg jumped $16 selling from $115 to $125 and lambs to 26kg lifted $12 and ranged from $122 to $129/head and averaged between 505c and 515c/kg. Heavy weights reached $148/head.

Old trade lambs jumped $23 to $25/head due to better runs of shorn short skinned lambs. Medium and heavy trades sold from $81 to $125/head and averaged 480c/kg cwt. Heavy weights lifted $10 with the 26kg and heavier $115 to a top of $160/head. The best of the trade Merino lambs reached $115/head. Hoggets sold to $110/head.

Mutton numbers eased and the quality was mixed. Prices were firm to slightly dearer on the medium weights. Prices ranged from $18 to $43/head for medium and heavy weights, most selling from 100c to 130c/kg cwt.

Market Report: MLA’s National Livestock Reporting Service. Click here to download full market report.

Photo: 50 XB Lambs sold for $160ph by Duncombe & Co on behalf of J&E Fraser.
