Market Report – 19 October 2023

Prime Cattle

Total Yarding: 243

Numbers fell and the quality was mixed in both breed and condition. Yearlings were best supplied and there was a good run of heifers in the export run. Around 30 cows were penned. Not all the usual buyers operated in the smaller offering, despite this most categories of cattle sold to stronger trends.

Feeder steers sold from 170c to 200c and were stronger on the plainer cattle and heifers to feeder lifted 10c on average selling between 146c and 185c/kg. Only a few trade steers were sold and reached 190c/kg.

Grown steers and bullocks were upto 20c stronger ranging from 171c to 200c/kg, the latter for a heavy bullock. Grown heifers went against the trend slipping 5c to 8c on a better line up, and ranged from 140c to 166c/kg. Cows were 6c to 8c better with the medium weight 2 score cows 100c to 133 and the heavy 3 and 4 scores 146c to 162c/kg.

Market Report: MLA’s National Livestock Reporting Service. Click here to download full market report.

Photo: 7 Angus Cows sold for 162c/kg, ave 692.1kg, $1121ph by MD & JJ Anderson on behalf of S Clowes.
