Market Report – 21 March 2024

Prime Cattle

Total Yarding: 890

Numbers increased by 217, for a total yarding of 890 mostly good quality cattle. All categories were well represented, selling to a dearer market.

Ideal feeder steers saw gains of 20c, with the medium weights selling from 264c to 320c and heavy feeders averaged 284c/kg. Heifers to feed made from 210c to 295c/kg. Trade yearlings to process were up to 25c dearer, quality related, ranging from 262c to 300c/kg. Strong competition for young cattle returning to the paddock contributed to price gains of 50c, with the steers topping at 422c and the heifers reached 340c/kg.

Heavy grown steers lifted 5c, making from 245c to 294c and grown heifers sold from 240c to 272c/kg. Heavy prime cows to process were 20c better, selling from 214c to 238c and leaner cows to the restockers reached 228c/kg.

Market Report: MLA’s National Livestock Reporting Service. Click here to download the full market report.

Photo: 12 Angus Heifers sold for 280c/kg, ave 442.5kg, $1239ph by Nutrien Livestock on behalf of Melon Pastoral P/L.
