Come behind the scenes of Australia’s newest livestock selling centre

Located in your very own backyard, South Eastern Livestock Exchange (SELX) is Australia’s newest livestock selling centre, with the capacity to sell 3,800 cattle and 30,000 sheep on any given sale day. SELX will open to the public on Sunday, 3rd July, 10:00am – 2:00pm and is located at the intersection of seven highways and arterial roads, just off the Hume Highway in Yass NSW.

“The SELX Open Day will give people the opportunity to tour the facility, understand and learn more about the industry, as well as be part of a fundraiser for Yass Early Childhood Centre and BeyondBlue,” said SELX Manager, Rod Bourlet. “We are inviting everyone to the SELX Open Day, not just people involved in the agricultural industry. It is so important that children, as well as adults, understand where their food comes from and the multitude of processes involved in getting food from the farm to your dinner plate.”

Construction of the $15 million, 14 hectare world-class, regional livestock selling centre commenced in September 2015, with the final touches currently being added before sales commence in August 2016.

“It is very exciting to see the project come to fruition and with our doors nearly open to sales, the wait is almost over,” said Col Medway, one of six local investors backing this exciting enterprise. “I don’t even think we comprehend the enormous benefits this complex will have, not only on the town of Yass, but on the region’s farmers looking to cut costs on transporting their stock to sale.”

With the closure of small, country town sale yards primary producers have had to absorb the additional cost of transporting their stock to larger centres like Carcoar and Wagga Wagga.

Extensive research into the design and functionality of the sale yards has achieved a world-class facility focused on animal safety and wellbeing, environmental sustainability and workplace health and safety.

SELX Open Day

Sunday, 3rd July 2016 – 10:00am-2:00pm
1623 Yass Valley Way YASS NSW
