Market Report – 10 July 2024

Prime Lamb & Sheep

Total Yarding: 13,247

There was an increase in lambs and the quality was a little better with more heavy trade and heavy lambs penned. There still were plenty of trade weights and lighter lambs that lacked cover. Not all the usual buyers were operating and the market sold to dearer trends.

The 2 score processing lambs to 16kg were $12 dearer selling from $75 to $136/head. Trade weights lifted around $16 and the 20 to 24kg lambs ranged from $152 to $215/head for the 3 and 4 scores, lambs 24 to 26kg sold from $192 to $226/head and averaged between 830c and 860c/kg. Secondary lambs averaged 730c to 750c/kg cwt. Heavy lambs to 30kg sold from $218 to $265 and extra heavy weights reached $272/head. The best priced hogget reached $160/head.

Mutton numbers were similar and the quality varied. Prices were on average $10 to $12/head dearer. Medium weight ewes sold from $54 to $119/head. Heavy crossbreds ranged from $126 to $150 and heavy Merino ewes reached $148 and wethers $156/head. Most averaged between 400c to 460c/kg cwt.

Market Report: MLA’s National Livestock Reporting Service. Click here to download full market report.

Photo: 42 XB Lambs sold for $265ph by Butt Livestock on behalf of G Flanery.
