Market Report – 10 March 2021

Total Yarding: 7,647

Lamb numbers lifted and the quality was only fair to good. There was a sprinkling of trade weights and store lambs but the majority were lambs 23kg and heavier. Some lambs were dry and lacking finish and the shorn lambs were in demand from processors. The market trend was cheaper.

The few store lambs and lambs to feed sold from $165 to $191/head. Medium and heavy trade lambs to 22kg cwt were $10 cheaper selling between $165 and $189/head or 795c to 820c/kg cwt. Heavy lambs to 26kg lost $6 to $10 and sold from $170 to $206/head averaging 770c/kg cwt. The 26 to 30kg cwt lambs slipped $3 ranging from $192 to $222/head and extra heavy lambs 30kg cwt and over $226 to a top of $285/head. Merino trades ranged from $134 to $165/head. The best prices hogget reached $256/head>

Mutton numbers fell and the quality remains mixed with all weights and grades offered. Prices were firm. Medium weight ewes $123 to Merinos with a jacket $176/head. Heavy crossbred ewes $190 to $240/head. Merino ewes reached $206/head. Wethers reached $237/head.

Market Report: MLA’s National Livestock Reporting Service.

Photo: Gavin Peaty, Breadalbane with Steve Ridley, Elders who sold 54 XB Lambs for $244ph.

Click here to download the full SELX Market Report – Prime Sheep & Lamb – 10 March 2021.
