Market Report – 10 May 2023

Prime Lamb & Sheep

Total Yarding: 10,445

There was a slight drop in numbers and with a very wintery offering of lambs, most lacked weight and cover. The majority of lambs were secondary lambs with only a very limited run of good trade and heavy weights penned. Not all the usual buyers operated in the plain yarding. The market fell $25 to $30/head across most lambs.

Restocking lambs to 18kg cwt sold from $45 to $115/head. Trade weights 22 to 24kg sold from $108 to $136 with a single pen out to $159/head. The 24 to 26kg lambs sold from $150 to $173 and heavy weights to 30kg $181 to $210/head. The better lambs were around 600c to 620c/kg cwt. Heavy hoggets only reached $158/head.

Mutton numbers were similar and prices fell $30/head. Light mutton sold from $17 to $85 and medium weights $56 to $105/head. Heavy crossbred ewes ranged from $106 to $115/head. A lot of the mutton sold from 300c to 350c/kg cwt.

Market Report: MLA’s National Livestock Reporting Service. Click here to download for full market report.

Photo: 11 Wiltipoll Weather Lambs sold for $162.2ph by Jim Hindmarsh & Son on behalf of Invergowrie Park, Gunning.
