Market Report – 11 January 2023

Prime Lamb & Sheep

Total Yarding: 20,492

Lamb numbers lifted and the quality was fair to good. There were plenty of light store lambs and a good selection of trade weights. Heavy lambs were limited and extra heavy lambs scarce. There were a few trade Merinos and a reasonable run of hoggets. All the usual buyer returned and the market sold to a cheaper trend of $10 to $15/head with quality a major driver.

Store lambs upto 18kg cwt sold from $48 to $110/head. Trade weights 20 to 24kg $140 to $170/head averaging around 700c/kg cwt. The 24 to 26kg lambs $168 to $190 or 770c/kg for the best lambs and heavy weights to 32kg have reached $210 to 220/head. The best price for heavy hoggets ranged from $124 to $132/head.

Mutton numbers lifted and the quality was mixed from the light weights to heavy crossbred ewes. Prices were firm on the very heavy ewes but dropped $20 on the light 1 and 2 score mutton. Medium weight ewes sold from $65 to $116/head. Heavy crossbreds $105 to $140 and Merino with a long jacket $120 to $133/head.

Market Report: MLA’s National Livestock Reporting Service. Click here to download full market report.

Photo: 28 XB Lambs sold for $218ph by Butt Livestock on behalf of A Alchin & S Artery, Monteagle.

