Market Report – 11 March 2020

Total Yarding: 7,038

Lamb numbers lifted and the quality was plainer. Store lambs were best supplied and trade weights were only in reasonable numbers and quality reduced. Heavy and extra heavy lambs were limited.

Light restocking lambs under 12kg were $20 dearer while those under 16kg $3/head dearer on average. Prices made from $117 to $183/head. Medium and heavy trade lambs eased $6 to $8, making from $184 to $218/head. Heavy lambs also eased at a similar rate, selling from $214 to $235/head. Carcase prices averaged 940c to 970c/kg cwt. Extra heavy lambs reached $298/head. Merino ewe lambs to restock reached $252/head. The best of the hoggets topped at $250/head.

Mutton numbers eased and quality was very mixed. Light sheep lifted $6, making from $121 to $147/head. Medium and heavy sheep were dearer with the crossbred ewes selling from $230 to $290 and Merino ewes reached $220/head.

Market Report: MLA’s National Livestock Reporting Service.

Photo: Willow View Partnership, Yass topped today’s market with 55 XB Lambs sold by Butt Livestock & Property for $298.2ph.

Click here to download the full SELX Market Report – Prime Sheep and Lamb sale – 11 March 2020.
