Market Report – 11 May

Total Yarding: 4,989

Numbers lifted and the quality was mostly good with only a small tail of plainer weaners. Prices lifted this store sale despite the cold bleak weather and a smaller buying group. Angus steers and heifers were the best supplied and the majority were in the 200-280kg weight range.

Light weaners under 200kg sold from $270 to $550/head. The medium weights 200-280kg mostly sold from $450 to $855/head and heavier weights reached $980/head with a single pen of steers weighing 440kg reached $1080/head. On a live weights basis prices averaged 270c to 290c/kg.

Light weaner heifers sold to $470/head. Medium weights received $400 to $730/head and heavy weights topped at $765/head.

Market Report: MLA’s National Livestock Reporting Service.

Photo: Marty Croker (Manager for a/c S. Clowes), Fullerton, with 17 Angus steers (314kg) which sold for $930ph with MD & JJ Anderson.

CLICK HERE to download the full SELX Market Report – Weaner sale – 11 May 2018.
