Market Report – 12 October 2022

Prime Lamb & Sheep

Total Yarding: 8,454

Lamb numbers were back and included 2850 new season lambs. Quality was again mixed with some very good new season lambs as well as old lambs in secondary condition. Trade and heavy lambs were well supplied and there were several pens of store lambs. Merino lambs also dropped the volume. The market trend was dearer on the new season lambs and heavy old lambs.

New season store lambs sold up $20 better with added competition and sold from $130 to $146/head. Trade lambs to 24kg cwt were $12 to $13 dearer and sold from $150 to $195/head averaging 800c to 825c/kg cwt. The 24 to 26kg lambs ranged from $200 to $205/head or 790c/kg and heavy weights to 30kg reached $221/head.

Old 2 score lambs sold from $77 to $110/head. Trade weights to 24kg lifted $12 to $14 on the better shaped and shorn lambs and sold from $138 to $185/head or 720c to 750c/kg cwt on average. Heavy lambs $170 to $232/head. Merino trades reached $151/head and hoggets $190/head.

Mutton numbers eased and the quality was slightly plainer. Prices were $9 to $10 cheaper with less competition. Medium weight ewes $90 to $118/head. Heavy crossbreds $125 to $155 and heavy Merino ewes sold to $143/head. Best prices Merino wethers sold to $145/head.

Market Report: MLA’s National Livestock Reporting Service. Click here to download full market report.

Photo: Scott Selmes, Boorowa with Greg Anderson, MD & JJ Anderson sold 437 XB Suckers to a top of $215ph.
