Market Report – 12 September 2019

Total Yarding: 905

Numbers eased and the quality was again mixed, but improved on last week. Yearlings made up the majority of the yarding and there was a lighter and plainer run of cows. Feeders and backgrounders purchased most of the young cattle, with little quality for trade buyers. There were not many heavy cattle penned. Cattle with weight and breeding sold to similar prices and light secondary cattle sold cheaper.

Young weaners sold from 155c to 230c/kg to return to the paddock. Medium weight feeder steers were firm making from 250c to 290c/kg. Heifers were also firm selling from 238c to 258c/kg. Heavy feeder heifers eased 6c to 9c, making from 250c to 266c/kg. The few trade cattle that sold from 271c to 305c eased 10c/kg.

Prime grown steers made a top of 293c and 2 tooth heifers also made a top of 293c/kg to processors. The 2 score cows eased 8c, making from 145c to 180c/kg. Heavy cows averaged firm, however, there were a lack of prime 4 score cows. Prices made from 240c to 250c/kg.

Market Report: MLA’s National Livestock Reporting Service.

Photo: Duncombe & Co sold 22 Charolais x heifers on behalf of L&M Milford, Coolah, for 286.6c/kg, ave 309.8kg, $887.81 ph.

Click here to download the full SELX Market Report – Prime Cattle sale – 12 September 2019.
