Market Report – 13 July 2022

Prime Lamb & Sheep

Total Yarding: 11,492

Numbers lifted this sale with both lamb and mutton showing the increase. Lamb quality was very mixed with a large percentage of lighter plainer lambs penned. The usual buyers were present and competing in an easier market.

Light lambs sold from $133 to $165/head. Trade weight lambs from 20 to 24kg sold from $164 to $186/head. Heavy lambs to 26kg received from $187 to $210/head. Extra heavyweights reached $219/head. Carcase prices averaged from 730 to 790c/kg.

Mutton quality was also very mixed. Merino ewes sold from $126 to $179/head with crossbred ewes receiving from $136 to $190/head. Merino wethers sold from $134 to $141/head.

Market Report: MLA’s National Livestock Reporting Service.

Photo: 439 Australian White Lambs sold to a top of $168ph by Elders on behalf of M Fitzpatrick, Currawang.
